This is happening today at Fab Hub Ashanti and I am melting!

Fab Youth Camp is celebrating its first birthday on 15th August! 💃🏾💕🔥💥

To mark this special occasion, our Campers at Aboabo Kesse are getting an exciting job: making videos about the different topics we talked about over the past 1 year.

Today’s Mentor is my Co-Founder Kwesi Mbir . With the help of our amazing Counselors, he divided the Campers into teams to create the awesome “Community Voices” Video Series.

After a year of learning cool stuff like video editing, vegetable farming, etc, our Campers are ready to jump right in.

They’ll do everything – from coming up with ideas and filming, to making the videos look super cool, and finally, showing off their work in a fun presentation during our celebration.

It’s going to be a fantastic way to show what they’ve done over the past 1 year.

Ayeekoo to Fab Youth Camp Aboabo Kesse Lead Counselor Barbara Acquah and her team Aminatu Alhassan Jennifer Anane Osei -Boateng Emmanuella Appiah and
Festus Agewinum for being a blessing to our Campers.


Ama xx