On October 25, we had our Fab Youth Camp session with our campers in Aboabo Kesse and it was amazing. Fab youth camp is a training and mentorship programme for youth in underserved communities.
We continued with our previous meeting’s topic which is; “Community Voices” Video Series!. Our campers were tasked to choose from relevant topics and decide whether to have a documentary, poetry, drama or a podcast to demonstrate how they will present it.

So this meeting was all about rehearsals on the assignment towards our grand anniversary celebration in December💃🏽. We had some campers having a role play on the topic “Gender Equality”, a poetry recital on “Cultural Heritage and Youth in agriculture” and it was simply amazing and fun🎉. This session was facilitated by our co-founder, Kwesi (Reaga Right) Mbir. Counselors present were Barbara Acquah, Aminatu Alhassan and Festus Agewinim.

Along the line, we had a visit from our esteemed development partner, GIZ Ghana , led by Christian Jahn, Head of Programme for Support to the Private and Financial Sector (PFS) and inspired our Fab Youth Campers with an engaging and informative talk. The other team members present were Joshua Ahiaba, Christian Koduah and Ira Osei Akoto. We’re deeply honored to have hosted them!